Improving your mobility and movement

What Is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is also known as physiotherapy. It is conducted to reduce or eliminate pain, injury, or impairment of physical bodily functions. Regardless of age, whether young or old, physical therapy is effective. Moreover, it allows you to recover and improve safely and conveniently without spending too much on other expensive healthcare treatments.

How Can Physical Therapists Help?

Physical therapists are experts in assessing and managing your physical issues. They are licensed and are required to acquire a master’s or clinical doctorate degree. Their responsibilities are to ensure that you are able to regain and acquire functional mobility with independence. To achieve such a goal, they try different approaches and techniques to bring you comfort and convenience.

Physical Therapy Services Include:

  • Evaluation
  • Assessment
  • Treatment
  • Progress Monitoring

What Does Physical Therapy Handle?

Physical therapy can manage common issues such as:

  • Sports Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Stroke
  • Arthritis
  • Amputations
  • Fractures

Benefits of Physical Therapy

Physical therapists can help you improve, maintain, and restore:

  • Cardiac Function
  • Neurological Function
  • Pulmonary Function
  • Flexibility
  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Overall Functional Mobility

The professionals will be with you to guide you all throughout the procedure. They will also communicate with your families and physician to ensure that their technique will not trigger your other existing illnesses (if there are any).

How to Avail Our Physical Therapy Services

  • It is important for us to know how to help you. We suggest you set an appointment with us. During our meeting, we will discuss your situation, health needs, requests, and the services you can receive.
  • Once we determine the services that suit your situation, we will assign you to a professional nurse. They will be the ones to handle your needs, monitor your situation, and communicate with us and your family.
  • In the long run, if you need more or want to request services, you can always reach out to us.